
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Work! Work! Work!

To anyone who is reading, I apologize for the extended hiatus. Things got a bit crazy towards the end of the semester, and then I got caught up in the freedom of summer. But I'm back, and the stories will start to stream forth once more, hopefully at least one or two a week.

Sadly the blog is not now available in citrus flavor.

We'll start things off with a simple story about one of the various running jokes that always makes for a good chuckle. If you've hung out with my room mate and myself for more than a few times, you've probably heard us say something like "work, work, work" or some sort of variation on repetition of an action, accompanied by some sort of pantomime. Stuff like, drinking, sleeping, driving, etc repeated three times and ridiculous hand gestures.

Like this, but sometimes a bit more lewd.

If you or some one you know has ever been to a university, you will instantly acknowledge that there are vast quantities of students whose very presence in those hallowed halls of learning baffles, bewilders or otherwise bemuses you. I'm not trying to say that they're not intelligent, I just want to say that they don't quite fit in.

It's obviously the tall one. Duh!

Sometimes they're easy to spot.

You've seen him in the library, looking at porn.

Sometimes, not so much.

His shirt clearly states that he belongs here.

This joke got it's start at around the same time as "Hide the Broccoli". The night that my room mate met me in the library to personally tell me that the apartment reeked of death, we passed a girl sitting at a computer in the library. As we walked by, she turned to look at us, from the neck up, torso and arms remaining in the same position.

As we passed by, she kept making exaggerated typing motions of some sort with her hands. Not like "pressing random keys to appear busy" exaggerated, but "limp wrist-ed, claw-hands pawing at the air and random keys" exaggerated.

Yes, exactly like that.

After reaching a safe distance to start laughing, my room mate determined that the only thing that could have been going through her mind as she typed was "Work! Work! Work!"

Obviously this girl was so focused on appearing busy that any motion even resembling typing was good enough for her. Probably what happened is that her freshman literature class had an assignment to write a book review of "Farenheit 451", but what she actually turned in was a paper on how Spencer was controlling Heidi.

Look at those evil eyes of his!

Surprisingly, it was the best paper in the entire class. The professor was unable to determine what grade he should give her, and so decided to give the whole class A's. This is how ECU operates: not so bright students who add to the crushing despair felt by any remaining competent faculty members.

And you thought the 30's were depressing.

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