My room mate incorporates those things into his game, but his favorite method is the ridiculously over the top flirt. So flirty it's almost not sexy.

Cat noised included. Hence the title of this post.
In all seriousness though, his patent pending signature seal of approval is a combination of a growl and a claw hands motion thing. I really can't describe it, but it is quite possibly the most ridiculous expression of interest ever to grace a member of the opposite sex. I'm not going to include any pictures because a google search consisting of any combination of "meow", "growl", "sexy", "claws" or "flirt" came back with retina scarring things that nobody who isn't either Japanese or a complete weirdo would enjoy. Let's just leave it at that.
Seriously. Don't google those terms together unless you're willing to gouge your eyeballs out with the nearest sharpened implement that you can get a hold of.
Now, as a small disclaimer, allow me to once again mention that he can flirt like a normal human being, sometimes he just chooses not to. He's attractive, intelligent, funny, has life experience, and is kind of jerk. All things that ladies go for. In fact, there are only three things that he feels his game really lacks. All of which are summed up by Taylor Lautner.
But I don't think he's going to become part Native American any time soon, or even get a tattoo, so the muscles is really all he's going to work on. But those will help him out when he hits on girls whose boyfriends have muscles too. That sentence can be interpreted either as it will make him more attractive or that it will help him avoid an ass kicking. Take it how you want.
Two factors contribute to his ridiculous flirting: his ability to shrug off shame and his natural chemistry with nearly any girl that meets him.
Any time that you're with him and there are girls either nearby or even being discussed, the odds that he will make some sort of unsubtle flirtation range from certainty to inevitability. And no, I don't really know which term means it happens more often. It's just that if the sun rose that morning, he will embarrass you by occasionally not even bothering to do a double take. He might just pause and watch somebody walk by. Then act like nothing happened.
It's almost to the point where I think it could very well be reflexive, like a frog catching a fly.
I can't count the number of times that we've been walking or driving somewhere and his attention is diverted by a girl. He usually makes a comment along the lines of "I want to go to there." And unfortunately for him, fortunately for your amusement, I like to ride with the window down a lot, like a dog. So that means a lot of these girls overhear his comments.
If you take him to the mall, or Sam's Club, or wherever you go to find attractive women, be prepared to be embarrassed. He won't be. And you'll laugh nervously as the rest of the store watches him do the cat hands at some hot middle aged woman, then continue shopping for his biscotti like it's no big deal.
The entire store does not actually witness the cat hands, but it feels like they should. Perhaps that's just my natural paranoia/self absorbtion thinking that the entire world is constantly watching me and the people I'm with.
However, much like your average guy, he is naturally intimidated by attractive girls that are complete strangers. So he normally doesn't go up to the girl in the mini skirt and tell her that she can call him Fred Flintstone.
When this happens he points out to whoever is with him that the object of his attraction is indeed a pretty girl, and then he quiets down for a bit as he constructs a first impression and fantasy future based around said girl. Sometimes he'll share fantasy mode with you, but usually only if it's a humorous, over the top vareity.
Recently we were in the student center eating lunch with some friends, and at a table about six feet away there was a very attractive girl sitting across from some guy. The entire table agrees that the girl is disparately more attractive than the guy she was with. Naturally my room mate is intrigued by the girl, and goes into fantasy mode. Since there were three other people at the table, he narrated his over the top ridiculous introduction strategy.
He would just walk up to the table, face-palm the boy into the window and say "What up girl? You can call me T-Woww. That's right, with three W's." The boy starts to say something, so my room mate would turn to him and say, "Don't make me defenestrate you right here and right now." Turns back to the girl and says "Back to you."
There's no way that strategy could fail... Okay, there's a lot of ways that it could fail, but that's neither here nor there.
Obviously he didn't do that, but it was funny. So we sat there well within ear shot of the two complete strangers alternately debating how old the girl was, if the guy was attractive, if they were dating or not, and making up back story for these two random people. I'm pretty sure that they heard all of what we said, because there were several times the girl looked right at us with a mixture of disbelief and bemusement.
Luckily for those of you who are confused by what the word bemused means, that's exactly what it means.
Don't get the idea that I don't notice or approve of the vast numbers of attractive young women that come along with living in a college town. I notice. I approve. Since I'm not as bold as my room mate I just make use of my peripheral vision and an excellent memory slash imagination.
I feel that if a girl is attractive, and dressed to show that off, she should not be offended when people check her out. But I don't make a show of it. The subtle once over, side glance or general direction gaze ending with eye contact are my weapons of choice.